Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC)

MMSME plays vital role in the development of any country and it is the growth engine of the large scale Industries in India. Therefore, it is important to protect the Intellectual Properties generated by Micro, Small and Medium industries. To create awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and to facilitate the IPR registration for MSMES, Intellectual Property Facilitation Center (IPFC) has been setup at Patent Information Centre GUJCOST, in collaboration with Ministry of MSME under the National Manufacturing Competitiveness programme (NMCP), scheme of MSME, GOI.


  • To identify the IP needs of the different cluster from MSME.
  • Create & enhance the awareness about Intellectual Property Rights among the unit in MSMEs.
  • Capacity building to help MSMEs protect their ideas & innovations as well as business strategies.
  • To create awareness and understanding about IPRs through seminars, workshops & lectures.
  • Encourage effective use of IP system./li>
  • To conduct training programmes for MSMEs on the significance of protection IP.
  • Providing Legal & Technical Assistance to them for protecting their IP.
  • Providing Patent & Design, Trademark, G.I. searching & filling facilities for MSME sector.
  • IPFC has established a steering committee to monitor and guide the project and has suggested machine tools, ceramics and foundry clusters for IPRs sensitization.

IPFC has established a steering committee to monitor and guide the project and has suggested machine tools, ceramics and foundry clusters for IPRs sensitization.

Training / Seminars Attended by Project Staff

Sr. No. Name Work Shop on Organizer
1 Mr. Sameer Bhatt
(Project Assistant-IPFC)
Capacity Building for Scouting, Documentation, Dissemination and incubation of green Grassroots innovations IIM, Ahmedabad, Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPARAT), National Innovation Foundation (NIF).
Venue: Ahmedabad
2 Bhavesh Mojidra
(Project Scientist- PIC) &
Mr. Sameer Bhatt
(Project Assistant-IPFC)
Regional workshop on Intellectual Property Management for Biotechnology Industry Biotech Consortium India Ltd., New Delhi .
Venue: Ahmedabad

Seminars organized on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness

Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC), Gujarat has done significant work towards awareness of Intellectual Property Rights by organizing various workshop/seminars in Collaboration with different Industries Association. IPFC have organized two seminars with the help of IPR experts.

Seminar on "Trademark & Industrial Design” at Thangadh (Surendranagar)

Seminar on Trademark & Industrial Design at Thangadh (Surendranagar)Seminar on Trademark & Industrial Design at Thangadh (Surendranagar)

Intellectual Property Facilitation Center, GUJCOST organized a seminar on "Trademark & Industrial Design” at Than on 30th October 2010 in collaboration with Than Ceramic Industry Association. Mr. Bhavesh Mojidra, Project scientist (GUJCOST). Shri M.C.Vaidya, District General Manager, Surendranagar District, was the Chief Guest of this seminar. Prof. Bhavin Kothari from National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad and N.Babu, senior examiner of Trademark registry, Ahmedabad were expert lectures in the seminar.

Seminar on "Trademark & Industrial design” at Morbi (Rajkot)

Seminar on Trademark & Industrial design at Morbi (Rajkot)Seminar on Trademark & Industrial design at Morbi (Rajkot)

Intellectual Property Facilitation Center, GUJCOST had organized a Seminar on "Trademark & Industrial Design” at Morbi 21st January 2011 in collaboration with Morbi Ceramic Industry Association. Shri S.S.Bhatiya from District General Manager office, Rajkot District was the Chief Guest of the seminar. Mr. Bhavesh Mojidra, Project scientist (GUJCOST), Mr. Sikandar Singh, Senior examiner of Trade Mark registry & Shri Karishnakant Raval, Trademark registry Ahmedabad and Shree Hardik Parikh were expert lecturers in the seminar. Mr. S.S Bhatia explained regarding Industrial Policy of MSME Gujarat, 2009.

Reaching to People for promotion of IPFC

  • For the promotion of the IPFC center a brochure has been prepared.
  • Advertisement of IPFC in local News papers was given for the promotion of Intellectual Property Facilitation center.
  • Web link for IPFC has been given in to website

IPR Queries solved/guided

IPFC have attended and solved more than 28 queries related with IPRs of researchers & Innovators.

IPFC Interactive Meeting

IPFC Interactive meeting was held at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industries, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi on 17th February 2011, under chairmanship of Mr. Dharmendra Prakash and Dr. R. Saha Director, PFC, TIFAC, New Delhi. The meeting was attended by 22 officials from different state IPFC. Progress and activity report of IPFC was presented in the meeting by Mr. Sameer Bhatt, Project Officer, GUJCOST.