Patent Information Centre (PIC)
Intellectual property rights (IPR) are conferring in respect of work those results from the creative and inventive activity of the human mind. The protection of intellectual property plays a key role in gaining an advantageous position in the competitive technological gain for achieving technological, industrial and economic growth of a country. The importance of patent information is being realized more and more all over the globe. The number of patents filed in a particular country has been an index of technological development of the country.
A Patent Information Centre (PIC), Gujarat has been set up under Gujarat Council on Science and Technology at Gandhinagar in collaboration with Patent Facilitation Centre, Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi This center is providing regional level services regarding various Intellectual Property Rights. Patent Information Centre in collaboration with TIFAC is facilitating for the patent search and patent registration for the Academic and Research Institutes. Patent Information Centre (PIC) is also providing general awareness on patent & specific issues related to other IPRs by organizing Seminar, Conference etc. and publication of Information material on Intellectual Property Rights to create a strong IPR base in the state, to enhance the quality of Invention, innovation to increase the number of Intellectual Property Registration from the state.
- Creating awareness and understanding relating to patents and the challenges and opportunities in this area including arranging workshops, seminars, conferences etc.
- Providing patenting facilities to scientists and technologists in the country for Indian and foreign patents on a sustained basis
- Keeping a watch on developments in the area of IPR and make important issues known to policy makers Scientists, Industry etc.
- Introducing patent information as a vital input in the process of promotion of R&D programmes sustained basis
- Awareness Workshops (at GUJCOST and at Universities)
- Training in IPR
- Seminars in IPR.
- Patent Searches and Filling
- Trademark Registration
- Design Registration
- IPRs Filling Assistance
- Analysis of Patent Information
- GI Filling
IP Cells
For creating awareness and providing services on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), PIC Gujarat has identified five universities for opening IPR cells and established Intellectual Property Right Cells at different universities in Gujarat as given below.
Sr. No. |
Name of Institute/Universities |
Name of Coordinator |
1. |
Anand Pharmacy College, Anand |
Dr. Vaishali Thakkar |
2. |
Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh |
Dr. Mrunal Ambasana |
3. |
Charotar University of Science and Technology |
Dr. Swayamprakash Patel |
4. |
Dr. Subhash University, Junagadh |
Prof. Shreyash Harsukhbhai Thumar |
5. |
Gandhinagar university, Gandhinagar |
Prof. Vipal Panchal |
6. |
Government Engineering College, Dahod |
Shri. K. B. Judal |
7. |
Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad |
Prof. Zankhana Mehta |
8. |
Indrashil university, Mahesana |
Dr. Vishvjit Thakar |
9. |
Indus University, Ahmedabad |
Shaswat Padalia |
10. |
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhinagar |
Punit Bhailalbhai Parejiya |
11. |
Lukhdhirji Engineering College, Morbi |
Dr. Bhargav Yashvantrai Vyas |
12. |
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinji Bhavanagar University |
Dr. Jay Badiyani |
13. |
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda |
Dr. Hetal Thakkar, |
14. |
Navrachana University, Vadodara |
Dr. Sujatha Patil |
15. |
Parul University, Vadodara |
Dr. Vijay Jagdish Upadhye |
16. |
Rai University, Ahmedabad |
Dr. Riddhi Amavale |
17. |
Silver oak University, Ahmedabad |
Mr. Chirag Patil |
18. |
Swarnim University, Gandhinagar |
Mr. Jatin Thakkar |
19. |
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar |
Dr. Purvesh Nanavati |
20. |
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad |
Prof. Dr. Hiteshkuamar A. Solanki |
21. |
Marwadi University, Rajkot |
Dr. Amit Sata |
22. |
Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar |
Dr. Santosh Shah |
23. |
Sardar Krushinagar Dantiwada |
Dr Modi |
24. |
Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar |
Dr Rasmika Patel |
25. |
Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology Gandhinagar |
Raval Parth Niranjanbhai |
26. |
Sumandeep Vidhyapith, vadodara |
Dr. Vandana Shah |
27. |
Saurastra University, Rajkot |
Ranjan Khant |
28. |
Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli |
Dr Sandesh Lodha |
29. |
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat |
Dr. Gaurav Shah |
30. |
Atmiya University, Rajkot |
Dr. Rohan Pandya |
31. |
Karnavati University |
Dr. P. Lakshmi |
IPR Center of Excellence
Patent Information Center at GUJCOST has also established Center of Excellence (CoE) on IPR Laws, Policies and Practices at Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) in the year of 2014.
The collaborative GNLU-GUJCOST, research center of excellence on IPR Laws, Policies and Practices will enhance legal education, research, training in the area of IPR laws. CoE aims to provide a platform for legal research and policy formulation to address various issues and experience underpinning IPR.
The CoE will conduct research, training and education activities in patent law, identification and valuation of IP assets of MSME, laws related to plant varieties, bio technology, pharmaceuticals, traditional knowledge and Geographical Indications.
Establishing CoE in IPR is a unique idea and first of its kind in order to promote in-depth research and dissemination of IPR. The establishment is a proactive step taken by GUJCOST to promote and encourage patenting culture in the state as well as to contribute more knowledge in the domain of IPR through research by CoE.