PIC/TISC/IPFC under GUJCOST has done significant work towards awareness of Intellectual property rights by organizing and supporting various workshops and seminars. It has also facilitated several registration of IP such as Patents, TM, designs and GIs. The activities of PIC/TISC/IPFC under GUJCOST for the last three years are summarized below:

IP Facilitation Statistics
Year Patentability Searches No. of Patents Facilitated No. of Trademarks Facilitated No. of Designs Facilitated No. of Freedom to Operate(FTO)
No. of Geographical Indications Facilitated No. of Copyrights Facilitated No. of Awareness programmes/workshop organized No. of Beneficiaries
2018-19 56 14 6 4 - 0 - 4 200
2019-20 40 8 5 7 5 0 - 9 450
2020-21 41 7 4 1 - 2 1 8 800

Details of Awareness activities in Intellectual Property domain by PIC/TISC/IPFC under GUJCOST for 4th quarter of 2020 are as follows:

Awareness Session in the 4th Quarter of 2020:

Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), recognizing the role of IP and value of Intellectual property, is creating a platform to celebrate IP and create the IP culture in the society and business. Such IP culture would orient ones thinking towards innovation and propels them into entrepreneurship. It helps us change the way we look at the world around us by better understanding the role of IP in our lives. GUJCOSTs vision is to create IP culture where people can see the importance of IP everywhere either in business or society and celebrate IP as a festival in their everyday lives and livelihoods in the same way we celebrate many festivals in India which are ingrained in our culture. Therefore, it is important to create IP culture, to engage and cultivate understanding on the role IP in fostering innovation, creativity and economic performance. Patent Information Center of GUJCOST in collaboration with CIPAM is Virtual Gujarat IP Festival 2020 Webinar Series from 17th – 22nd of August 2020.

Eminent experts Shri. M Nagarajan (IAS), Commissioner of Higher Education GoG, CEO KCG, Dr. H Purushottam, Chairman and Managing Director, NRDC, Shri Padmin Buch, Senior Domain Expert IPR & Convenor MSME Policy Taskforce, CII will deliver the keynote addresses in Virtual Gujarat IP Festival 2020 Webinar Series and eminent speakers from Intellectual Property offices and IP law practitioners will deliver lectures in this webinar series. Gujarat IP festival is being attended by students, teachers, researchers, housewives, MSME members, grassroots innovators, start-ups and young entrepreneurs of Gujarat.

Eminent speakers that delivered expert talks in this webinar are: Mr. Satish Kumar, Assistant Director, MSME-DC, GoI, Ms. Divya Srinivasan, Deputy Manager, CIPAM, Dr. Shyam Kumar Barik, Asst. Controller, Patent & Design, Patent office Kolkata Mr. Bhavin Kothari, Mr. Jatin Trivedi, Senior Partner of Y.J.Trivedi Co.Ltd, Ms.Preeti Dhaiya, Examiner of Trademark form Trademark Registry, Delhi, Shri.R D Barhatt, Joint Commissioner, Industries Commissionerate, Shri. ChinnaRaja Naidu, Deputy Registrar, Geographical Indications, Shri.Yashwant Dev Panwar, Head PFC, TIFAC, Ms. Rashmi Sharma, Scientist E, SEED Division of DST.

The session was concluded by Dr. Narottam Sahoo, thanking all the experts and participants and said that IP plays a very strong role in Atmanirbhar Bharat. The programme saw a huge participation and interest from the audience and the eminent speakers clarified the doubts of participants.




Idea to Invention – Thinking Out of the Box

Patent Information Center (PIC) and Technology Innovation and Support Center (TISC) at GUJCOST has organised a webinar on "Idea to Invention- Thinking out of the box” on 17th October 2020 from 9:30am to 11:15am. This webinar is being attended by students, teachers, researchers, MSME members, grassroots innovators, start-ups and young entrepreneurs of Gujarat.

From getting an idea to developing it into a viable business, there are many phases where creative faculties are involved. We take this opportunity to invite Dr. Gordhan N. Patel President, JP Laboratories, Inc. USA, as a distinguished guest for the programme and to address the participants with the concept of the title and to share few examples from his own experience being an innovator. We requested him to share with the participants, in general, a journey from idea to entrepreneurship and how innovation keeps the business survive the competition. It is also requested to highlight the role of Intellectual Property during the process of taking an idea to business world.